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Elevated Amenities for Relaxed Living

For those who seek opportunities for adventure mixed with a calm lifestyle, RISE Viera’s luxury senior apartment community in Viera, Florida is the perfect hideaway. Various amenities are available here to encourage you to unwind and enjoy your well-earned rest. Spend time in our fitness center to get your blood flowing or cool off in our resort-style pool. Your decision is yours.

Elevated Community

Experience the RISE Viera lifestyle with community amenities available to all residents. 

Luxurious Apartment

Feel at home with our apartment amenities designed to elevate your living experience. 

* In Select Units

A Place For You
and your Pets

RISE Viera is pet-friendly, so you and your furry friend don’t have to part.

PET POLICY: The weight limit at maturity is 45 lbs. Breed restrictions may apply. Up to two pets are allowed per apartment and cottage unit. Pet rent and non-refundable pet fees apply. 

Thrive for fitness
and health.

Our 24-hour fitness center offers all the tools you and your family need to improve your body and mind. 

Reach Out – Say Hello


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